D&O Claims Trends: Q3 2016

October 2016

Advisen wrote a report that examines all sources of securities-related suits that impact thq3-do-paper-2016-250x324e underwriting and placement of management liability insurance other than ERISA liability suits. In addition to securities class action suits, the report encompasses a much broader set of suits, including securities fraud, breach of fiduciary duties, derivative actions, collective actions, and Ponzi scheme cases.

The free, 8-page paper is sponsored by Allianz.

Read and download the free, 8-page paper @ http://www.advisenltd.com/2016/10/12/do-claims-trends-q3-2016/

Advisen Ltd. (October 2016). D&O Claims Trends: Q3 2016 [White Paper]. Retrieved from http://www.AdvisenLtd.com

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