Equifax Breach Renews Calls for National Data Breach Standards

A series of congressional hearings focused on the Equifax data breach came with a call for a national data breach notification from the head of the US House of Representatives Financial Services Committee.

“If you are hearing my voice, you are either the victim of the breach or you know someone who is. That`s how massive this breach was,” said Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX). “The criminals got basically everything they need to steal your identity, open credit card accounts in your name and cause you untold frustration and financial calamity.

Read more at https://www.advisenltd.com/2017/10/09/equifax-breach-renews-calls-national-data-breach-standards/

Erin Ayers, Equifax breach renews calls for national data breach standards (October 9, 2017), available with subscription at Advisen Cyber Front Page News.

2017 Data Breach Industry Forecast

November 2016

Advisen and Experian released an annual white paper that outlines five predictions for the data breach industry in the coming year. The 2017 Data Breach Industry Forecast is intended to shed light on emerging trends that companies should know about and prepare for. The free, 10-page report offers industry predictions that are rooted in Experian’s history of helping companies navigate more than 17,000 breaches over the last decade.

Cyber Threats and Trends to Look Out For

Aftershock password breaches will expedite the death of the password. This is one of the data breach trends outlined by Experian in the 2017 Fourth Annual Data Breach Industry Forecast.

Read and download the paper @ http://www.advisenltd.com/2016/11/16/2017-data-breach-industry-forecast/

Advisen Ltd. (November 2016). 2017 Data Breach Industry Forecast [White Paper]. Retrieved from http://www.AdvisenLtd.com

Bridging the Gap: How Cyber Practices & Data Breaches are Connected

November 2016

Advisen and BitSight released a report that presents how organizations reduce their cyber risk by embracing responsible cybersecurity practices throughout their networks. It features an analysis of the cybersecurity posture of organizations of all sizes and in all industries and looks at how cybersecurity practices can offer insight into whether a breach may occur.

These details and more are featured in the free, 6-page paper Bridging the Gap: How Cyber Practices & Data Breaches are Connected.

Read and download the paper @ http://www.advisenltd.com/2016/11/17/bridging-the-gap-how-cyber-practices-data-breaches-are-connected/

Advisen Ltd. (November 2016). Bridging the Gap: How Cyber Practices & Data Breaches are Connected [White Paper]. Retrieved from http://www.AdvisenLtd.com

Data Breach Costs Projected to Hit $2 Trillion in 2019

New research from Juniper suggests that the annual cost of data breaches will top $2 trillion in 2019, the brunt of it striking North America.

“While it is responsible for under 80% of global criminal data breaches, the high-value nature of US breaches means they account for over 90% of the global cost of data breaches,” stated UK-based Juniper Research. “We assume that the cost-per-record is going to increase in future, as more sensitive data is stored online as a matter of course.”

Read more at http://www.advisenltd.com/2015/05/14/data-breach-costs-projected-to-hit-2-trillion-in-2019/

Ayers, Erin. ‘Data breach costs projected to hit $2 trillion in 2019’. ©2015 Advisen Ltd. 29 May 2015.