The Globalization of the Cyber Insurance Market

May 2017

Advisen and CyberScout released a white paper that focuses on cyber insurance take-up rates and how countries gear up to minimize cyber risk and improve their risk transfer and mitigation strategies. The free, 5-page paper includes an overview of the cyber insurance marketplace, reasons businesses are buying cyber insurance, and challenges and opportunities ahead in Asia, Australia, Canada, Europe, the Middle East, the United Kingdom, and the U.S.


This story is an excerpt of the original. The content originally appeared in Advisen Media White Papers.

Cyber Reinsurance Pool Recommended to Boost UK’s Coverage Options

A new report calls upon the United Kingdom government and cyber insurance marketplace to band together to form a catastrophe reinsurance fund to better combat cyber risk, especially on property damage, third-party liability, and business interruption.

Taking the economy’s reliance on information and communications technology as a given, a new report notes that our cyber world, while vital, is also vulnerable. That vulnerability has been met with improved cybersecurity practices available from a wide range of security firms, as well as a rapidly growing cyber insurance marketplace. However, for the insurance industry to fully address cyber risk, the report, developed by Long Finance and Z/Yen Group and sponsored by APM Group, asserted that a public-private partnership in the form of a catastrophe reinsurance pool would help.


Ayers, Erin. ‘Cyber reinsurance pool recommended to boost UK’s coverage options’. ©2015 Advisen Ltd. 12 August 2015.