Blockchain and Cyber Risk

Wednesday, October 18 at 11am ET

Imagine a world where every process, agreement, task and payment would have a digital code that could be identified, validated, stored and shared. That’s the gigantic potential of blockchain technology. According to Forbes, “everyone from Wall Street to Walmart is betting on it.” The important question in the insurance industry is how blockchain adoption will affect cybersecurity and cyber insurance.

For more info and registration of this upcoming webinar, visit:

SVIA | Advisen Ltd. October 2017. Blockchain and Cyber Risk [Webinar].

A Crisis in Cyber Confidence

Webinar Date: May 9, 2017 at 11:00 A.M.

Advisen and Experian partnered on a study to better understand what companies rate as their highest cybersecurity concerns for the remainder of 2017. Respondents were also asked about the general areas where they could improve their overall cyber risk preparedness and cyber response levels.

In order to get a comprehensive viewpoint, Advisen surveyed three groups: (1) agents/brokers, (2) risk managers/insurance buyers, and (3) law firms.

Join us as we discuss the key findings of the study and examine how they impact the cyber insurance community.

This is a free, one-hour webinar sponsored by Experian.

For more info and registration about this upcoming event, visit

Advisen Ltd | Experian. (2017). A Crisis in Cyber Confidence [Webinar].

The Next Wave of Cyber Regulation

February 2017

The New York Department of Financial Services’ (NYDFS) cybersecurity rules, the European Union Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the E.U.-U.S. Privacy Shield are some of the recently introduced or updated pieces of cyber regulation featured in a paper released by Advisen. Sponsored by CyberScout, the 7-page paper examines commonalities in these regulations, discusses steps toward compliance, and provides guidance for remaining compliant and competitive worldwide.

Learn more about the paper and download it here:

Advisen Ltd | CyberScout (2017). The Next Wave of Cyber Regulation [White Paper]. Retrieved from

Allied World’s Glasgow Advises Close Eye on Cyber Regulatory Environment

Advisen executive interview: Jason Glasgow, Allied World

September 2016

Advisen Editor Erin Ayers interviewed Jason Glasgow, head of Allied World’s privacy and network security group, about the rapidly evolving cyber insurance market and what the insurance industry is doing to meet the challenges of ever-changing cyber risks and cybersecurity regulatory developments.

Their Q&A is featured in the free, 2-page interview written by Advisen.

Read and download the full interview with Allied World’s Jason Glasgow at

Jason Glasgow, Allied World. (2016, September). Advisen Executive Interview.