The Next Wave of Cyber Regulation

February 2017

The New York Department of Financial Services’ (NYDFS) cybersecurity rules, the European Union Global Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and the E.U.-U.S. Privacy Shield are some of the recently introduced or updated pieces of cyber regulation featured in a paper released by Advisen. Sponsored by CyberScout, the 7-page paper examines commonalities in these regulations, discusses steps toward compliance, and provides guidance for remaining compliant and competitive worldwide.

Learn more about the paper and download it here:

Advisen Ltd | CyberScout (2017). The Next Wave of Cyber Regulation [White Paper]. Retrieved from

Understanding the Impact of GDPR on Customers and the Insurance Market

December 7, 2016 (Wednesday) at 11am EST

A regulatory sea-change is occurring in the European Union, which will have deep impact on the perception and treatment of cyber risk in the region – and will shape the insurance market for cyber coverage outside of the US.

On December 7, 2016, Advisen will host a webinar that will address the likely impact of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) on the risk management environment in the EU. It will also delve into some best practices companies need to adopt to comply.

GDPR creates new risks for EU companies, some of which are insurable, others not. This session will explore how increased transparency on cyber security standards may affect risk management standards, and consequently lead to more insurance purchase.

This free, one-hour webinar is sponsored by Symantec.

For more info and registration for this webinar, visit

Advisen Ltd. December 2016. Understanding the Impact of GDPR on Customers and the Insurance Market [Webinar].