Product Recalls Impact on Business Financial Health

June 2016

In the past decade, the number of product recalls among food and non-food manufacturers has increased significantly. Advisen wrote a white paper that discusses the economic impacts of product recalls and the importance of having recall insurance. Sponsored by Allied World, the free, 5-page paper presents a number of case studies illustrating how product recalls can affect the financial health of businesses.

Minimizing the Impact of a Product Recall

Between 2010 and 2011, an applesauce manufacturer lost $21 million in direct costs associated with a product recall and the subsequent interruption of its business.

Read more and download the white paper at

A Guide to Emerging Wage & Hour Exposures

December 2015

Advisen wrote a white paper that takes a closer look at the rules and regulations recast by the pro-employee administration, as well as how Wage and Hour policies are responding to these market changes. The free, 10-page paper is sponsored by Allied World.

A Closer Look at the Evolving W&H Landscape

Advisen data show Wage and Hour cases have increased 58 percent from 2013- 2015, with a 28 percent increase in cases in the past year (2014-2015). According to another source, Seyfarth Shaw, W&H claims have risen in each of the last 15 years to 8,066 in 2014. This makes these types of claims the only growth area in workplace litigation.


Download the Wage & Hour White Paper