Underlying Trends Keeping EPL Underwriters Busy

Unemployment is down and fiscal year-end statistics released by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission revealed a drop in total charges, but there remain some troubling trends for employment practices liability underwriters.

“Lower unemployment and a decrease in EEOC charges should be good things—and they are—but there are several underlying dynamics that are not so great,” Michael Schraer, Chubb’s employment practices and not-for-profit product manager told Advisen from the RIMS Annual Conference here.

Read more at https://www.advisenltd.com/2018/04/18/underlying-trends-keeping-epl-underwriters-busy/

Chad Hemenway, Underlying trends keeping EPL underwriters busy (April 18, 2018).

This story in an excerpt of the original. The content originally appeared in Advisen Professional Front Page News.

A Guide to Emerging Wage & Hour Exposures

December 2015

Advisen wrote a white paper that takes a closer look at the rules and regulations recast by the pro-employee administration, as well as how Wage and Hour policies are responding to these market changes. The free, 10-page paper is sponsored by Allied World.

A Closer Look at the Evolving W&H Landscape

Advisen data show Wage and Hour cases have increased 58 percent from 2013- 2015, with a 28 percent increase in cases in the past year (2014-2015). According to another source, Seyfarth Shaw, W&H claims have risen in each of the last 15 years to 8,066 in 2014. This makes these types of claims the only growth area in workplace litigation.

Read more at http://www.advisenltd.com/2015/12/01/a-guide-to-emerging-wage-hour-exposures/

Download the Wage & Hour White Paper

EPLI Takes Stock of New Guidance on Worker Classification

Brokers and lawyers in the EPLI space have been rapidly regrouping around new guidelines issued earlier this month by the US Dept. of Labor that effectively extend employee status to many more workers.

“At the end of the day, the guidelines seem to make it even more clear that the DOL simply expects that most independent contractors are really employees under the definitions of the Fair Labor Standards Act,” said Thomas Hams, managing director and national EPLI practice leader at Aon Risk Services Central.

Read more at http://www.advisenltd.com/2015/07/29/epli-takes-stock-of-new-guidance-on-worker-classification/

Chapman, Cate. ‘EPLI takes stock of new guidance on worker classification’. ©2015 Advisen Ltd. 07 August 2015.